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All content here is for practice and voice building. If there is ever a complaint by the copyright holder, I shall remove content.

Spec Scripts: Work


Spec by Travis Olson

Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I'm a huge Andre Braugher fan from Homicide: Life on the Streets. That's how they hooked me initially and then they reeled me in with the ensemble chemistry and refreshing clever-silliness. 
The world has changed mightily since the show began and as Season 8 approaches, I wondered how they were going to address the current need for change and understanding. I tried to put myself in that room and plan for Season 8.
This is my Season 8, Episode 1.

Spec Scripts: Work


Spec by Travis Olson

The Marvel movies have just been an unbelievable phenomenon. In my life, I never thought there would be a representation of comic books done so magnificently. And here we are...

My introduction to comics came through my brother being a Batman fan, my journey started with X-men and they led me to Excalibur. I can't tell you why, but Captain Britain just spoke to me.

The Captain Britain I grew up with was smart and flawed, hotheaded and compassionate, powerful and frail. There was also a "cheekiness" to his adventures. I adored this era of Excalibur during my childhood.

Flash forward. I am an adult. The world is accepting of comic books and they have shown that they can do them justice in movies and television. I want to be a writer. A writer should write what they want to see. 

As I am new to Spec Scripts and I want to be as responsible and respectful as I can. I am utilizing this script as practice in writing and for compiling a pitch for a television series. Where I can, I shall attribute ownerships.

I decided to write a spec based off of the Alan Moore and Alan Davis run as it is a brilliant arc to base a Season One from and as a perfect jump off for new audiences. 

The source material:

Captain Britain by Alan Moore & Alan Davis (Hardcover) | Comic Issues | Comic Books | Marvel

Spec Scripts: Work


Fan made television project

-The Project-

I am a writer. I have aspirations to write for television. I am self taught in my understandings of the industry as I have no mentor but I can listen to podcasts. I reside in Minnesota, live a quiet life, and want to entertain you.

I am going to utilize my downtime, when I am not pursuing my own content, to create the Android Universe Television Show. I am not talking about creating a production but rather writing a season of the Android Universe as I see it, if I was the Showrunner/Head Writer.

I am going to be unorthodox in my approach as I am going to utilize Prose before Scripting. I’ve never done it this way before. I’m doing it as a way to define the world for a new reader and then as a way to practice my adaptation process.

This will take time. I am doing this to test myself first. Then, to hopefully compliment the Android brand.

-The Goal-

There will be a Pitchbook that will contain production notes and other addendums to highlight the aspects of the Project.

There will be Prose Samples.

There will be Script Samples.

The end product should be a Fan-fiction Short Story Novel, Pitchbook, and Season One for a theoretical Android Universe Television Series.

There will be an unannounced Extra Goal upon completion of the end product.

-The Process-

I will showcase the format that I believe would work the best for an Android Universe Television Show but I will only be giving the format in an effort to avoid spoilers (I have my own personal outline and may post at the conclusion of the project to show how it started and how it ended, if there is any interest).

Note 1: Balance and Education.

Since this may be the first encounter with the Android Universe for the viewer, it is always important to show them the world that they are entering. It is important to give them information about how this world operates and how people live within it.

Within the Android Universe there are Six Archetypes; Natural, Loonie, Cyborg, G-Mod, Clone, and Bioroid. It is important to showcase their lives equally as they all exist in this Universe, one not better than the other.

Format Note: Season Structure

Season Length: 13 Episodes

The Season is split into three sections; the First 6, the Next 6, and Final Episode.

The First 6-

Each Archetype gets an entire episode that is given two storylines to fulfill; one is world building while the other activates a part of the major season arc. The stories do not need to have equal time, just need to play out in a single episode.

Next 6-

The major season arc plays out in these 6 episodes utilizing the building blocks from the First 6 and combines all the archetypes. The First 6 achieve the balance, therefore the Next 6 achieves the storyline with impunity.

Finale Episode-

The Finale Episode resolves the Season Storyline and activates the aftermath plot lines which develop Season 2’s, First 6 One-Parts.

If a Season 2 was optioned, then the format would stay the same with the three sections with allotments for the Season 2 arc along with either, wrap-ups of Season 1 or new storylines for the archetypes.

-Project Format-

How to follow progress on the website.

The First 6

Prose first. Script second. Format third.

As prose is completed, an Archetype section will be created. The prose will be posted and dated. If an Archetype section has two prose stories, then a script may be attempted, in which case a Script Section will be created.

Once all Prose and Script sections are completed, then the First 6 section will be formatted in episodic order. Once all three progress markers have been achieved, then the Next 6 section will be created.

The Next 6

Script first. Prose optional. Format chronological order.

At this time, the planning for the Next 6 is strictly Script format with the option to adapt to Prose after. The project format is to post in chronological order.

Finale Episode

(It will take a lot of work to get here)

-Pitch Book-

The Pitch Book will be located at the end of the sections.

There will be an evolving pitch book. At this time, the pitch book will have a chaotic structure that will be honed as the project is defined.

Spoilers will appear as strikethrough, if they are included at all.

Android Copyright Info (coming)
Spec Scripts: About Me

Archetype: Natural
Born on Earth. Naturals have no augmentations; Cybernetic or Genetic.

Storyline 1: Life//Hack
Storyline 2: Quality Control

Spec Scripts: Quote


Storyline: Natural         6-11-21

Four junior executives pay a Runner to host a life//hack of their boss. A life//hack is a security hack of someone’s interior cameras so that they can be watched and ridiculed for what they do in private. During this life//hack however, the junior executives witness their boss’ assassination and they find out that the assassin realizes they’ve been watched.

Coming Soon Neon Light
Spec Scripts: Quote

Quality Control

Storyline: Natural         1-16-22

A Quality Control Technician inadvertently thwarts an icebreaker attack.

Coming Soon Neon Light
Spec Scripts: Quote

Archetype: Cyborg
Naturals with cybernetic enhancements.

Storyline 1: No Shelter
Storyline 2: TBD

Spec Scripts: Quote

No Shelter

Storyline: Cyborg         6-11-21

Upon completing her runner contract, Phester is nearly killed when someone hacks the lifesaving drone that was trying to save her. She must now discover if her former employers were behind the attempt or if there was someone else.

Spec Scripts: Quote

Android Pitch Book

Spec Scripts: Quote
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